Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hair removal cream cut my skin, what do I do?

I just used this in-shower hair removal cream, and instead of removing hair, it left several minor cuts on my hand and legs. What might have caused this and what do I do to make sure the cut doesn't get infected or anything? Please help!Hair removal cream cut my skin, what do I do?
I find it very weird that the cream cut you.. was it that veet one with the plastic scraper that looks like a razor? if so, perhaps it was the scraper.. it may have little bits that weren't filed off during manufacturing.

nonetheless.. just wash the cuts with salt water and apply antiseptic cream or aloe gel and contact the manufacturer. tell them what happened and see if they can give you a refund.

anytime you use a new product that is going to be in contact with your skin.. you should always do a patch test 24-48 hrs beforehand to rule out any allergic reaction.Hair removal cream cut my skin, what do I do?
Neosporin you had a reaction or left it on to long .
ur skin dried out i would recommend not using it again or leave it on for less time
hair removin creams dnt all,there wrip-offs

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